Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Just relax

I'm a control freak, a planner, I love excel spreadsheets... and I'm trying really hard to NOT become obsessive over CM, BBT etc. and have not even bought a thermometer yet. Ever since I went off bcp in November, I have been tracking my cycles on the FF app on my phone, but have been pretty relaxed about the whole thing. I felt great about starting TTC in April since I had a totally predictable 29 day cycle immediately from the time I quit taking the pill. Then came March. AF was 8 days late. 8 days! I thought I was right on track but evidently not. DH was convinced I was PG but I wasn't so sure - we were pretty careful and I didn't feel any different. We felt ripped off that we were not going to get the opportunity to actually TTC. But, two HPTs confirmed BFN and then AF finally came. I was disappointed and relieved, but then thought, now what?! We were supposed to start TTC in April and suddenly I had no idea what my body was doing.

Has anyone had a late period with a BFN? I got a trial membership for hot yoga last month (and LOVED it) and am wondering if this might have caused it. I know it's a bad idea to do hot yoga when pregnant but haven't read anyting about it's effects when TTC. Regardless, I have stopped going and am considering going back to non-heated yoga.

Anyway, as a result of the above, my FF app gave me a 9 day window of fertile days in April. 9 days! DH was pretty happy about this, and I certainly can't complain. Yesterday was the last day. We have been BD'ing almost daily and I am getting obsessed. FF just averages out your cycle length to make an estimate of when your fertile time will be so what if my cycle really is longer now and thus O is happening later? I think I am going to wear out my poor hubby in the first month. So, maybe I do need to start tracking BBT. I'm worried it will be confusing and make me even more compulsive about it. I'm trying to enjoy this time. What are your thoughts on this? Did tracking BBT just make you even more high strung or did it give you comfort that you were timing it right and were better able to relax and go with the flow?

Even though I know it's unlikely, I'm  secretly hoping that it will happen for us during our first month of trying. I have no delusions, I have always expected it to take about 6 months, assuming everything is working the way it should... but then my best friend got pregnant on her first try, and both my brother and sister in law swear they conceived on their first try as well. I guess only time will tell!

1 comment:

  1. My sister in law got pregnant their first try for both of her children (shes pregnant with #2 now) and all she did was chart BBT on MyDays (Android App). I am right there with you - I become obsessive and I am also a planner by nature, not an excel junkie though - I really like Pages (Word for Mac) creating tables & Lits, etc. I secretly hope we get pregnant right away as well, which would give us a Mar/Apr baby even though we were hoping for a June/July/Aug baby. But I am trying to get into the mindset that it could take 6-12 months to get pregnant, just try to focus your mind on other things - Mine has been on my blog & working. Good Luck & Prayers for BFP!!
